Conception & design of interactive scenography, architecture and installations.
Conception & design of interactive scenography, architecture and installations.


Created for

Bright Brussels



HYPERFORM is an audio visual laser sculpture inspired by avant-garde composer, music theorist, architect, performance director and engineer : Iannis Xenakis. In collaboration with French renowned architect Le Corbusier, Xenakis created a Pavillon for the universal exhibition in Brussels 1958 that used Hyperbolic paraboloids as principle for his creation. HYPERFORM uses the same principles and develops a structure that integrates 12 hyperbolic paraboloids that are drawn by lights. The animated light sculpture plays with both lines and curves, although every edge and every laser beam are straight lines, the ensemble forms an organic shape where curved surfaces appear as the sculpture enlightens. The installation plays with our perception and offers a unique experience that can be appreciated from any direction, offering a renewed experience at any point of view.

Hyperform full video Hyperform full video

Created for

Bright Brussels



Created by Antoine Goldschmidt ,

Programming Tyrell ,

Music Brice Deloose - Pattrn ,

Production Magicstreet